Tom.... I do better with my mouth calling then I do with electronics... I will use electronics because they have a lighted decoy now and if I hunt by myself I want the coyotes to hone in on the ICOtec GC 500 sound and the decoy...So many times I have called in zero with the electronics but as soon as the bulb squeaker and or the mouth call was used in came the fox... However I have taken my own sounds and placed them on my FX5, ICOtec GC 500, and even the FP Model 38. I used a mic and loaded the sound to the computer. Then transferred it to the caller...Tonight I programed my brother ICOtec with 65 sounds. Some of them are me calling and doing some of my favorite sounds... UB Special, UB Woodpecker, UB fieldmice, UB Pup KIYI, I also have Randy Anderson, and Dennis kirk using an open reed call. Now the kirk sound is a magnet.. Just say I had a cold sore... so that would be a time when my calling on the electronics would be ok for me...Or if you had a sore throat.. However give me an old Crit-R-Call Peewee, Standard, Song Dopg Jr, and or Magnum Crit R Call and I will make those babies sing. However that is a good question you brought up...