Author Topic: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt  (Read 27762 times)

uncle buck

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #60 on: February 24, 2015, 04:59:37 PM »
Jerry would want us to have a coyote hunt. I was just commenting on what he said to me..Me I don't think it could be pulled off like Mosquito Creek has done..

What really hurt the club way back when is when the clique occurred.... Was almost like a power struggle.  Certain people clique together.  It got so bad that the West wanted to split with the East... We really had one big trouble maker. this is the aggressiveness of predator caller Psyche I ref in the post above... Sides were squaring off so much that it even made me take down my web site... By the way was the best thing I ever did!  It was one BIG POISON thing that helped destroy that... 

Probably the first thing that was accomplished was when we met with the PGC Director of law Enforcement at the Silk City and really sat down with him about the wearing of the orange.. Just talking to the man he changed his opinion and we really dodged a bullet with that one.. Wearing orange when we called. PPHA actually went and talked in front of the PGC about this too... We really hurt ourself when no one from the club went and talked in behalf of lights on guns with the Federation of Sportsman's Club. A guy got up from the Federation and cut it down and they all voted in favor of no lights.. it took years there after for the light thing to be approved when it could have been approved  a few years after the orange issue.. The orange wad defeated when POPEK was still the President..

Each and everyone of us have a reason why we wanted to be a member.. Many have a predator calling business... I don't!  the love of Predator Calling is what and why I was a member... I even was considering starting a Predator Hunter Guild were all we did was fight things that the anti's wanted to take away from us.. Not worry about hunts, forums, ...Just a program to retain predator hunting as we know it... To this day...That's what I will do as a individual continue to try to at least make sure predator hunting as we know it continues... I was at a meeting with my brother yesterday at Little Buffalo State park I actually spoke up for retaining coyote and fox hunting on Sunday.. Concured that we should be able to hunt with semiautomatic rifles and or pistols for predators.. the next meeting will be at the PGC building in May.. I didn't see any PPHA members there yesterday with my brother and I..

However the PPHA was a good thing.. I do have some people I call friends!!! Of course sadly because of the clique thing I mentioned above I do have people who don't like me...Success is however winning the respect of a few worthy individuals...

So I did drop out of PPHA since it just wasn't obtaining my  personal goals of what Predator Hunting club is to me..

I do think that if you take down this web site and forum the PPHA will actually cease to exist.. that's just my personal opinion...It does give some training to new callers.. hence that's why I post on here to pass on some of my knowledge on to callers.. someday I  ain't going to be here and why take all of this to my grave. however I don't want people to remember me that I was a member of the PPHA. I want someone to remember that there was a guy who passed on some valuable info and maybe started a fire that made them even a shroomer or a somewhat deceit predator caller..
it is sad to have so many people posting things on here and when it does come for them to hunt in PPHA contest no one gets involved.   Maybe you need to make the club efforts to be more like the guild I referenced above. Allyou people that have a predator calling business you really have a lot to lose if the PGC starts to take things away from predator calling...
recently I acquired about 2000 acres that I can hunt on in Va... I'm retired and I'm going to hunt!.. I will continue to speak up at these meeting... let me know if you want to attend the next one and I will tell you when and where... it's charred by Senator Rob Teplitz and it's held in different areas of SCPA each qtr of the year.. Next on is in May  2015 and will be held at the PGC headquarters on Elmerton Ave.. Here is my email address if you want to contact me if I 'm not on here for a long period of time:
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 05:23:59 PM by uncle buck »

Offline wfo204

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #61 on: February 24, 2015, 05:20:36 PM »
If its just a few buck why not pay to have your dogs hunt then?

Offline wfo204

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #62 on: February 24, 2015, 05:30:39 PM »
I have no problem with people using dogs to hunt. If that's how they want to hunt that's great. We are all a hunting family everyone does things there own way. What I am saying is I think in these hunts where ever person taking part in the must be signed up that should go for animals being used as well. If they don't need to be signed up why must I have guys sign up when they are not hunting they are just putting drives on or shining the red light for me? That what I don't get.

uncle buck

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #63 on: February 24, 2015, 05:33:01 PM »
yep it's sad that the houndsmen do have the upper hand... Don't worry about them.... Get out there and compete against yourself...That would be quite the feather in your cap if you got one of the  4 big coyotes the 4th being the largest female...Someone got to get it.. yes it could be the houndsmen... remember the houndsmen probably wiped out many of the heavy weights in certain of the 67  counties.  I saw a coyote track during the contest that I know the coyote  was well over 50 + pounds...the houndsmen probably wouldn't even have a chance to get this guy but a predator caller would.   Maybe you might need to travel a bit out of the dog hunting areas and hunt in Pa counties that a predator caller would have a better chance. remember it only takes  3 hours to cross our great commonwealth East to West. North to South you can do it in  2 hours with the interstates and the turnpikes.. if the houndsmen paid into a pot they wouldn't even get into the contest... The money to be had is because of all the hunters in the pot...

Offline wfo204

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #64 on: February 24, 2015, 06:04:43 PM »
That is a good view Uncle Buck thank you.

Offline Bigcat

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #65 on: February 24, 2015, 06:33:12 PM »
If its just a few buck why not pay to have your dogs hunt then?
If it was the rule I'm sure they would but its not. Now not saying you would do this but I know other people would and because there is a rule about it that probably means it happened. One person pays and the 5 drivers hunt also. The guy that pays turns in the yotes. The dogs don't kill the yote the caller doesn't kill the yote the hunter kills the yote.  The caller and the dogs are tools one is more effective but they are both tools. That's just my opinion and you are entitled to yours   
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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #66 on: February 24, 2015, 07:24:17 PM »
I agree with you on that but guess this is more for mc then the hounds men.. If the dogs can be used to drive the coyotes, why can't I have 5 guys with no weapons on them walk the woods and drive the coyotes? What is the difference or why can't I have a person call for me or shine the light. They are not doing the shooting.... Just how I feel no hard feeling just don't feel its right.

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #67 on: February 24, 2015, 07:41:09 PM »
You could always contact MC and ask them about it.
Darin Hosier
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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2015, 08:00:42 PM »
I was going to drop my membership every year, but re-new each time.
I had plenty of reasons to drop, but didn't.
I stayed with this organization because of what it can be. We really have potential to have a strong voice in Harrisburg, educated the public and to further our sport.
At one time we were organized, we showed we could get things heard and done.
We had committees to share the work load for different events. We had district meetings and  officers/directors meetings.
I have never held office, but supported the organization each year.

I like UB, who is not a member of the PPHA, but have to disagree with him about his statement about PPHA members that also sell predator calling products. Rather disagree with his tone of sorta referring they use the PPHA for business gain. I know most of the members that sell products and they certainly don't depends on our small membership for monetary gains. These same guys have been the backbone of the PPHA and truly are devoted for many years.
And I don't like the way UB keeps calling the PPHA 'a club'. We are an organization, but maybe he forgot about that, but I still like him.


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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #69 on: February 24, 2015, 08:56:41 PM »
We get donations for hunts from the sponsers as well.  8)
“If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not”. Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. “Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.”

Offline Bowman66

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #70 on: February 24, 2015, 09:52:24 PM »
It's hard to have a voice when guys have jobs and can't get the time off to go to the meetings to be heard, then when you ask if someone, anyone can go......silence..... So you stop asking.

So far I've seen a couple of post about never holding an office and that's cool, it's not for everyone to step into a thankless job. Your support of the club is all we can ask for then.

I'm hearing that the PPHA should have a coyote hunt. WEIRD...We just had one that lasted 3 months.
Species Specific Hunt.
ONE Coyote was entered in the hunt.

We didn't give away thousands of dollars to the winner because we don't have thousands to give away.

The Bobcat Blitz was this years big hunt and how many coyotes were entered?
Were they worth points to be able to win?    Yes they were.

 D-6 had a hunt that included coyotes, were any entered into that hunt?

D-4 same thing, Jason even had a physical check in, how many guys were there? 5  How many coyotes ZERO.

That tells me either we have a bunch of non participating members, non yote killing members or we have a bunch of flapping lips. You choose which category you fall in next time you want a coyote hunt from the PPHA.
Darin Hosier
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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #71 on: February 24, 2015, 10:38:07 PM »
Caller or houndsman, what is the difference? Houndsmen spend a lot of time training hounds, feeding hounds, and keeping up with them so they must also be physically fit. Callers need to do their homework, understand their quarry, and also understand the limitations of their gear. The person who wants to use non-members to drive out coyotes should simply have his friends pay the $30 or so to enter the competition. Hunting coyotes is extremely difficult. You just don't buy a call, show up, and have dogs run into the call. I cannot believe egos get hurt over a $30 entry fee. Almost 4000 hunters and only 162 dogs were weighed in. Obviously, it is pretty hard to get a coyote. Do the math and see how many were really successful. Congrats to to anyone who killed a coyote this year and I am sure the white tail deer population will produce an extra fawn or two due to your efforts.

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #72 on: February 25, 2015, 11:31:17 AM »
remember it only takes  3 hours to cross our great commonwealth East to West. North to South you can do it in  2 hours with the interstates and the turnpikes.. if the houndsmen paid into a pot they wouldn't even get into the contest... The money to be had is because of all the hunters in the pot...

I want to see you travel across the state either way in the times you stated... it's over 300 miles across the state on the turnpike or I-80 and right at 200+ miles north to south on any of the roads you want to take...

you don't think the doggers pay entry fees?... they sure don't let them in for free...

it wasn't that long after the orange ruling we got gun mounted lights through... I was VP at the time and Ernie and Josh Miller and myself sat down and did up a big presentation letter for the meeting and I went up and presented it at the GC meeting...

Ben, if I'm remembering right you and I joined at the same meeting whenever it was... where was that?... I'm thinking some where around Mechanicsburg...
when you step out the truck, you become part of the food chain...

Genius by birth....    slacker by choice!...

uncle buck

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #73 on: February 26, 2015, 11:37:05 AM »
Dale the  3 hour E & W  and the 2 N & S  hour is just a figure of speech.. Sure it does take a bit longer if you live on the fringe of our borders... Kind of like me saying  2:16 AM and it's really 2:20 AM when I called in a predator...

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Re: Mosquito Creek Coyote Hunt
« Reply #74 on: February 26, 2015, 12:03:50 PM »
it was at tom monkos son in laws dentist practice off 114.  Im pretty sure it was late 2004 because herder springs hunt was right after I joined and that was in the late muzzleloader season. 
“If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not”. Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. “Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.”