Author Topic: Wild Canine Tracks Vs Domestic dog  (Read 3503 times)

uncle buck

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Wild Canine Tracks Vs Domestic dog
« on: January 09, 2011, 01:40:24 AM »
You could never compare a coyote tracks  to a domestic dog track ...even a fox track to a domestic dog.  While they are still in the canis family... The coyotes and the domestic dog paw alone is a different shape... Coyote is more like a spear head and the domestic dogs is a wide canine print.... Also when you see a wild canine tracks in the snow they transpose each other. It looks like one track only after the other. Were a domestic dogs tracks don't transpose. They don't fall on top of the next one.. You will see some of the tracks of the domestic dogs next to or  covering the other tracks when they run in the snow...Most predator hunters know this... However for the new predator hunters.. Now you can tell if the tracks in the snow are wild canine or a domestic dog...