Author Topic: Primos Rechargeable Spot Light Pro and Con  (Read 1883 times)

uncle buck

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Primos Rechargeable Spot Light Pro and Con
« on: November 04, 2010, 09:00:57 PM »
Nice light am now using this as a shooting light.. it does not scare away the critters if you use the red lens...1,000.000 FC However it's strictly.....a shooting light...On full charge if you used it constant it would not last more then 30 minutes... So the only time it goes on is when I'm going to shoot or if I want to do a quick sweep of the field to see if anything might have come to my calling and my head light did not pick up the eyes yet...Probably this light in my eyes would only be good for a predator hunter.. Sure would not want a light on a boat that only last 30 minutes, nor if I was going out to spot deer 30 minutes and it no longer works would be a real bummer..At a $19.99 price tag..Comes with a charger outlet and also a cord to use in vehicles too.  Now that would allow it to work then more then 30 minutes at a time..

In life...ever notice equipment?....They all have Pro and Con!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 09:04:19 PM by uncle buck »