Author Topic: 1 ft away Fox  (Read 1219 times)

Offline predator94

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1 ft away Fox
« on: September 26, 2011, 07:46:19 PM »
My dad and i were across the road putting up my climber tonight and i was up in my climber so my dad went over the hill about 200 yards away to see if there were any deer out in this bean field and he saw a few doe but he also saw this red out in this hay field mousing so he grabbed a blade of grass made 2 quick squeals and the fox disappeared into the beans next thing he knows he sees the beans in front of him moving and it keeps coming it comes the whole way to where he literally could have bent down and petted it and then it stops and just kinda sniffs around and then just meanders off i guess it couldn't really see him through the beans but anyways he came back all pumped up and told me the story and said he probably would have been the first person to kill a fox with a blade of grass and a club if he would of had one and it would have been in season