why acronyms are used?
...in order to avoid repetitive use of long, cumbersome titles while writing reports, mathematics, books and such.
Mean while, back at the ranch...
Dist. 8 had a rendezvous work day at Port Royal, yesterday. We got most of the work done and were finished by 2:30.
We put up large canopy at 2 gates, constructed demo area, covered indoor tennis court floor, set up tables & chairs in buildings, lined off tailgate spaces, placed garbage cans about, set up district booth.
Monday the showers will arrive. And that should be it other than small details. Wednesday, dealers arrive and Dist. 8 members will help them unload.
Members helping work the rendezvous were permitted to set up campers Sunday. So my camp is set up plus a dozen other members. At least a half dozen members slept over Sunday night.