My turn...I'll take a poke at you so-so.
But first, I've blown my share of opportunities.
no more than 50-60 YDS away, I got the gun set... I lip squeaked waited few minutes nothing made move to top of dirt pile more lip squeaking and some soft rabbit squealing but nothing showed. Now my next move... so I figured I would move down over the side... I made it about 25-30FT one runs out into open fields
You were moving/walking right after you were calling, knowing Coyote was right there!
No-No-No, So-So
Shoulda stayed tight and take your chases. or Get to your blind before calling.
Your mind was conditioned to sit at the dirt pile. So you moved.
You sat there how many times thinking of shooting a Coyote from the ole dirt pile blind. You moved again.
Any place else, you would stay in your tracks and set up there. Cover or no cover with Coyote in sight, don't move.
Back of your mind said to get to dirt pile blind.
Your first sentence of your original post says it all.