Thank you guys for manning the booth all day. Thank you.
Had a great time and good to see and talk with some PPHA members in attendance.
Was honored with a chit-chat with 'The Fox King' & His Prince.
Bought a few things at a good price.
I almost bought my stretcher boards back, I donated to PPHA a few years
Tom P. was selling out his trapping gear, due to health reasons.
He ask if I want to buy 3 boards off of him. I handled the Coyote board and said, 'Tom, these boards look like mine. They are mine, right?'
Tom laugh and said, 'yes, you donated them for several hunts or raffles. Tom won them fair and square.
I told him to sell them. If they didn't sell, I would buy them.
As I was leaving, I drove to Tom's tailgate tables. He saw me coming and put boards in hand and waited.
I stopped and he placed them in the back of the pickup, as I got out.
He said free of charge. Same price he got ' I'll take that, fair enough.