NowLookn2Locate, your Coyotes may be smarter. I agree.
My reasoning because of all the Fox calling activity in many areas of our state and the boom in predator callers.Coyotes have become wise to distress sounds, humans using these sounds & Fox calling methods.
Am not knocking anyone or putting anyone down. I (a Fox caller) am in the same group.
As Fox callers or novice Coyote hunters, we all have called in Coyotes (while calling Fox) and never knew it, never seen 'em. By that, Coyote sits hundreds of yards away and contemplates the situation or approaches, swings downwind to catch our scent. After winding or sitting watching our moves, Coyote disappears. We furthered it's education on survival. In human terms- smarter. Just by going out to kill a couple of Fox tonight.
I feel PPHA members have recently learn to work/kill Coyotes. Information shared on this site along with Buckwheat's Coyote School has certainly improved the PPHA kill rate.
Smarter Coyotes. Yes. I feel we Fox callers have educated more Coyotes than we will know. It will continue. I believe our 'Coyote Calling Methods' of today will evolve. Coyotes will get wise to our methods, so we will have to adjust in the future.