Foxtrot, I use coil spring traps with laminated jaws. Heavier than stock traps. Good shape stock springs, new springs or music wire springs will do the trick.
I like #3 Bridgers (same size as Duke #4's). Big iron for sure, properly tuned up, with good springs... fast as lightning.
4 coil traps fire fast too. Adjust/tune pan pressure to your liking, with 2 or 4 coiled traps.
Pan pressure can be set on 'hair trigger' with 4 coils. Doesn't matter if weak 2 coil or strong 4 coil traps, tuning your traps to desire pan fall or pressure is what you are looking for.
In my area of Pennsylvania, I can't set a #1 1/2 because of Coyotes. I want to hold everyone, everything.
I would not consider setting a #1 1/2 in the mountains.
I recommend to students to use a larger trap and double stake or cable stake nowadays.
A good, over all trap for Pa. land trapping is a #2 Bridger (or equal size trap) for Reds, Greys, Coyote, Bobcat & Fisher.
If you can dig a bed for a #1 1/2, you can certainly get a #2 bedded. And a #2 will hold anything coming down the trail.
#2 will give you a bigger kill area (bigger pan) not to mention #3 being bigger & better on catch ratio.
This is just my opinion, experiences & observations. Yours may vary.