Got a call late last night from a rancher (sheep) friend who said he has seen a few coyotes out in his pasture. Ewes will start lambing any day now and he was wondering if I could drive down and maybe kill a couple. I couldn't make it out today, have some physical problems now and then but our son is down here from Phoenix. Said no problem I take care of it for ya. And indeed he did. Note the thin coat on this coyote, summer time has arrived!
Said he seen two more but couldn't get a decent shot off and didn't want to educate them. I asked what call he was using and he just smiled and said "why do you want to know, so you can go out there and kill them"
So me and my calling partner are going out after them - just as soon as I'm able. We'll show this youngster how to get it done. That's gratitude for ya - taught him everything he knows about killing these critters and know he will not help his crippled up dad. Told him I was redoing our will.