Lookn4anyonetotalkto, am not suppose to answer questions on here. It's Goose & Jaspr show.
I'll try to sneak your question in, because they will get off track with more than two ingredients.
Lookn4answers asks-
TPHern, Why don't you mix lemon with cream in your tea?
Same reason I don't mix it with coffee.
Years ago, Cream served a usefulness in tea.
The British started the habit to put cream in tea. (cream poured first, ole boy)
Cream in their tea originated when they discovered a drop or two of cold milk in the tea cup (first) prevented boiling tea to crack or stain delicate porcelain. I don't use fine porcelain, hence, I drink it straight. Todays cups, you can safely pour milk in afterwards.
Lemon in tea served as favoring. Favoring only.