I have learned many things from the predator hunters on here... E. Wilson.. Sometime Ernie will talk and things just go into my computer brain... I was talking about how I always sighted my rifle in for predator hunting at 2 inches high at 100 yards... Ernie said to me: "Those 17 center fires shoot real flat why would you set your point of impact at 2 inches high... I thought about what he said and he was so right... Wow have I started connecting on predators now... 100 yards dead center in the bullseye.. That where I sight my guns in now.. All my guns, predator and big game guns.. Figure most scopes now are BDC. If I want to make a Hail of Mary shot I can use the BDC dots inside the scope to shoot beyond 100 yards... Also most of my predators are now shot a soon as they entered the 100 yard quadrant or less... Sometimes 65-100 yards is what I like to let one rip. So listen to E. Wilson... You start to set you sight 2 inches high to cover every your close and far shots and your really just hurting yourself... Also get away from that freehand stuff too.. You need a tripod, you need to stand up so you can see on the horizon, and your 100 yard shots will improve...Night shooting is tough even with a shotgun... Steady yourself and think about where you kill zones are for your rifling and set your sight there..