Years back I followed Fox. Then Coyote appeared about 30 years ago and I followed them.
If you ever followed Fox and Coyote on a fresh snow or during extreme conditions, they will go from Groundhog hole to Groundhog hole leading you to every hole in the area or as far as you want to follow. Fox and Coyote are very active with the 'first snow'.
I have folks that ride along with me from time to time and always ask, 'how can you catch a Fox or Coyote in the wide open field or picked Corn field?' I don't say the Groundhog hole is the attraction, I just say I put a trap where they travel. But the Groundhog hole is the main attraction for sure.
Here's a series Groundhog holes I've been trapping for almost 50 years.
I average 11 to 20 Fox a season at this location.
This picture is the same location (but a bit further away), same season, different day.
The Groundhog holes are at the top of the rise, the dark spot. This set is the money maker. Away from holes, in the end rows lined up with main rows and row to the Groundhog holes. This year, I think I caught 14 Reds in this set and only 1 Red near the holes (above picture).
Way back when, I knew Fox & Coyote frequent Groundhog holes, so I ask myself...How can I use a Groundhog hole for predator calling?
I use certain Groundhog holes a 'bait stations'.
Not visible by air
Not visible to people
Canines visit these spots
I can dump in lure and bait
They have to work and spend some time there
I can pick likely best locations
I've tried to 'draw' Fox & Coyote, but better found that baiting close to there regular travel is like putting out the feed dish for a pet Dog or Cat.