Your paying for the technology... That would be nice if you could make one that works like this...If you have to use real mirrors now your carrying in something that is heavy....What I like is that when your done with it you fold it up and carry it out.. When hunting archery if you have a pop blind.. You have to bend it in all kind of ways to get it back into break down form... This could be a pain when it's dark. I have one of those that I got on clearance at Wal-Mart... Worked great during my hunt. but now it was dark and I had to walk back to the Saturn SL2 with that half folded...I got it into the little Saturn but where did I have to break it down and fold it properly. In my kitchen when I got home.. It's water proof, light enough that you can carry it on your back in the optional bag they sale... It's truly a good investment for a predator hunter because you can use it all year round not just for turkey and deer.. Also you don't have to set it up in fields for days so the deer get use to it.. The deer or turkey will not see themselves in the blind unless they are 8 feet from the blind...It's made to slant at an angle so it picks up the ground cover.. the home mader that would be fine if you can get it to do all the stuff this Ghost blind can do.. The mobility, the lightness, etc.. Why the bag itself can be used to keep you dry if it starts raining or to cover your torso if it gets cold..I will probably start to hunt coyotes and fox more in the daytime now that I have this too.. I have one sound that I use that brings the red fox out of the wood lots. Can you imagine what I can do with this now instead of just being in full camo... That works great for daytime calling. But this blind will make me truly stealth for Reynard when he ventures out of the wood lots or from the top of the hill from his sleep.