Here in D-4 we are having a hunt that is state wide. We are going to have two ways to check in, on the internet or a physical check in. The physical check in will be held at Gander Mountain, just off the Scotland exit of 81. If you decide to do a physical check in, the harvested animals are double points . There will be a first an second prize.
The rules of the hunt are, You must be the one who harvest the animal
You can harvest the animal anywhere in the state of PA
All pgc laws apply
Raccoon -3 points
Red/grey fox-6 points
Coyote -10 points
First prize is a night eyes head lamp
Second prize is a bees obrien howler
Dates of the hunt is November 14-16 all submission must be posted 12 noon on the 16 for internet an physical check in at grander mountain 12 noon. For internet check in there will be a sign, that will be announced closer to time. Post all submission here