Author Topic: Bobcat!!!!  (Read 2019 times)

Offline skookhunter

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« on: March 23, 2014, 07:20:49 PM »
Last night my buddy and i went out in search of a coyote. Walking into where we are going to make our first set I caught eyes out infront. I've got the scope on a set of eyes which belong to something in a thick brush hedgerow. I can't tell what it is. My buddy is making lip squeaks and it's trotting up and down inside this hedge row but I still can't tell what it is. Finally it steps out into the open and from right to left it trots across the field which is littered with scrubby bushes and dirt. My buddy is like coyote coyote!! I've got it in the scope and I'm like it is a coyote. Right then and there it stops and looks at us and my buddy says where's the tail? I then have the crosshairs on its face and I said, bobcat. It's an f'ing bobcat.  It continued jogging right to left as it crossed the field and went through the next hedge row.  We didn't call it in but so awesome we jus stumbled upon that. I never saw one in person before. Sweet looking animal. I wonder if anyone mistaken them for a coyote because at first I thought yote and the coat looked somewhat grayish.  Either way so sweet.

That was at 830. 15 min into our hunt that happened.  About 1:30 later a fire whistle was going off in the distance as we were walking down a road. We stopped to see if anything will respond to the siren. About 30-45 sec after the siren was over a pack of yotes let loose in the distance I don't know how far but we could easily pick out 4-5 diff dogs in that group.  They yipped and howled for about 30 sec. After the first group started howling and carrying on for 10 seconds another pack went nuts a lot closer right across the valley from where we were.  We could pick out at least 4 dogs in that group. They were back and forth howling for a couple seconds and then they all just stopped. We howled and no response. We set up and blasted his primos call toward the valley and played a pack of yotes howling and got no response. Switched to coyote distress and nothing bothered coming over to check it out. Wind was in our favor blowing in our faces. Man what a night.

Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Bobcat!!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2014, 08:32:24 PM »
Sounds like you had a pretty exciting night!!!   Its those kind of nights that keep you going back againm and again.
York, PA
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Offline Predator53

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Re: Bobcat!!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 05:24:32 PM »
That is find out where they are and get em!
Wicked scanpro Lights ICOTEC Gc500
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