From my experiences, during extended cold snaps it's primetime to hunt Fox and Coyote any time of the day.
I prefer day break to noonish or 2-3pm to dark. That's 'my' timeline to hunt, yours may vary. And about all I want to stay outside in bitter cold. Late season, 'for me' is calling thesehere cold spells during daytime.
The past few days I noticed Red tracks across our front lawn and Coyote tracks at the back of our property. This seems to happen during extended COLD, with extended SNOW COVER, which we are experiencing now.
I work a job that I travel the local area daily. This past week, I have seen Deer feeding at all times of the day...8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm...any time.
Even watched a lone Doe eating buds across the road from my fur shed today at 12:35 pm.
It's hard making a living for all animals during extended cold and snow pack.
They are working overtime to survive.
Plus, breeding season has arrived, Canines will be on their feet.
Put the snow camo on, Get out there and Make the most of it....