Author Topic: Powerfull Air Rifles  (Read 21902 times)

Offline Oldgrey1

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2013, 10:19:15 PM »
Some details please!

Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2013, 10:55:30 PM »
 This is not my rifle yet. The guy that makes airforce air rifles owns and uses my rifle rests.  But this is the gun I am going to get soon but can not afford the scope yet.
But would make a great night gun for in barns for raccoons or close shots at fox in 25 cal.
For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

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Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2013, 03:20:49 AM »
I have been following the comments on this post since the beginning.  Here's my question.....  How loud are these powerful air guns?  I have an air gun that shoots .177 cal pellets, and it cracks just as loud as a .22 cal rifle.  I know some of the Gammo air rifles have a silencer built in at the end to make them quiter.  Is that the way these super charged air rifles are?  Just how quiet / loud are they???
York, PA
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Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2013, 03:50:50 AM »
You are correct with the sound. The one in the picture has a silencer type barrel on it. If you shoot it at subsonic speed it is ok. But, yes at full power air air rifles do crack. I do not know how loud this one is at full power.
For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

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Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2013, 05:25:33 PM »
So if you shoot it at subsonic speeds, I have to assume the maximum effective range is going to be very limited...maybe 50 yards???  Other than shooting barnyards rats and close squirrels that are getting into your bird feeders, what advantage is there to spending that kind of money for one?  (other than cheap and fun to shoot)

I'm simply trying to figure out why I would need one???
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
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Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2013, 05:40:00 PM »
Me too trying to figure out why I would need one.
I think there is no reason to have one for me other then to play with. I could just purchase a cheaper one. But probably will not. Every time I buy somthing cheap I end up spending the money for the good one anyway. So it cost me a lot more in the end.
For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

2008 PPHA State Predator Calling Champion
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Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2013, 07:32:37 PM »
Been there.....done that !!!
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
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Offline Cskypup

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2013, 10:31:57 PM »
Hey guys hope everyone is keeping warm! As for how much noise these things make
Well my Mrod .25 is very very quiet I honestly think the only loud part is
When 43gr pellet smacks the target. Much quieter than even the super subsonic .22.
And I'm still learning alot about tuning for best performance. I love pyramydair and
I think their customer service is great! So many choices out there as far as
Calibre and use. Be safe all and happy hunting!
Savage 340 in .222 Rem
Nikon Monarch 2.5-10x
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Mrod in .25cal my secret weapon out in other states anywat

Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2013, 06:53:38 PM »
I sent you a message.
I have some questions on keeping air tanks for filling.
For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

2008 PPHA State Predator Calling Champion
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Offline hd833

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2013, 11:15:26 PM »
Since there was a case overturned by a fed. appeals court concerning BATF rules covering suppressors and air rifles the BATF has no jurisdiction over air rifles. That being said I wouldn't want to be the first test case as to attaching a suppressor to an air rifle. If you have any powder burners in your home and there is any conceivable way the suppressor can be attached your screwed. BUT there are devices legally being sold as Lead Dust Collectors, ldc's for short. Everyone knows what they really are but so far they are legal to purchase for air rifles. Just google them and buy yourself one. Or you can spend the $200 and get the stamp. I have them mounted them on all my air rifles and they do a pretty good job.TKO air guns and Clague air strippers are two of the best and as I said can legally be purchased w/o a tax stamp. All my ldc's are thread on and none of my pb's are not. I've already been down that road and they are legal. I just don't shoot them in public that much and try not to draw attention.
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Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #25 on: December 31, 2013, 03:59:07 AM »
If a suppressor is illegal on air rifles, then how does Gamo get away with selling them already on their guns from the factory??
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
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Offline Hern

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2014, 05:45:11 AM »
I use an air rifle for all the mentioned above.
Own about 10-15 years.

Buckwheat, not sure what I have but think it Chez made. Small power scope. Basic, does the job.
At times it comes in handy for certain jobs. But mainly sits in the corner.

It's nice to have a new toy, but how long you going to play with it?

Offline Cskypup

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2014, 01:57:53 PM »
From what I understand its all in the articulation and wording. What's on air rifles isn't really a "silencer" but a shroud with baffles.
They definitely make em quieter but not silent. As in an earlier posting as long as the FPS is subsonic there isn't a crack. Most of the
sound my Mrod makes is from the hammerspring I think. Regardless I can shoot in my backyard and my neighbors have yet to
notice. I just got some Eun Jin .43gr pellets that were absolutely devastating while clearing out some feral critters from my friends
barn. I am still amazed at the KE this air rifle produces! Made some red mist out of more than a few rats in the silo lol. Helping out a few farmers like this opened up some more fur stands! Once Buckwheat starts shooting these silent machines I'm sure he'll be hooked lol.
Savage 340 in .222 Rem
Nikon Monarch 2.5-10x
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Chinese  knockoff lights that are the best ever
Mrod in .25cal my secret weapon out in other states anywat

Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2014, 02:09:07 PM »
I owned a few BB and pellet guns. Still have a pump pellet rifle somewhere.  LOL
What I found was I enjoyed shooting them. But none of them shot to the level of shooting I liked and I lost interest.  These airforce air guns say under an inch at 75 yards. I have shot rifles that could not do that. Accurate rifles are fun to shoot.I have a archery and shooting range in my house and in my yard. It might get used a little more. The crossbow slowed up my archery shooting, maybe the pellet gun will get used.
Might even help me stay sharper when shooting wile hunting.

For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

2008 PPHA State Predator Calling Champion
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Offline Cskypup

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Re: Powerfull Air Rifles
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2014, 02:15:41 PM »
That's a great point Buckwheat the ability to keep your shooting skills on point.  Being able to step out in the garage for a few minutes of trigger therapy makes me much more successful in putting fur down.  I was at the gun club the other night shooting my Mrod with my son.  We were shooting inside at the indoor bb gun range and I was able to put 16 pellets almost all in the same hole.  My sons grouping was nearly as good as mine but he's still learning lol.
Savage 340 in .222 Rem
Nikon Monarch 2.5-10x
XLR 250 kill light
Chinese  knockoff lights that are the best ever
Mrod in .25cal my secret weapon out in other states anywat