Author Topic: Extreme cold weather trappin  (Read 3344 times)

Offline Predator100x

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Extreme cold weather trappin
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:42:32 PM »
Anyone ever put traps in a zip lock bag to keep them from freezing up?
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Offline jeremybrua

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Re: Extreme cold weather trappin
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2013, 08:57:59 PM »
The only time you have to worry about your traps freezeing down is early winter when the ground is thawing and tg en freezeing at night.  I would not use a Ziploc bag.  Most people that do that use the very thin bags you get in the produce section and they only do it when it is VERY cold out.

You should look into "perlite" for beddind and covering your traps.

Offline Grass Stain

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Re: Extreme cold weather trappin
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2013, 09:05:16 PM »
I love buckwheat hulls, I would never use bags in that way
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Offline Predator100x

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Re: Extreme cold weather trappin
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2013, 09:45:34 PM »
Gs,I have used buckwheat hulls,I would set,check the next day an traps were dug up,coyote tracks all around set,just can't seem to get a solid bed with them.Any tricks to get a solid bed with hulls?
Skin that one pilgrim and I'll fetch ya another!

Offline Hern

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Re: Extreme cold weather trappin
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2013, 10:14:02 PM »
P100X asks-
Any tricks to get a solid bed with hulls?
Years ago, Andy Stow first marketed Buckwheat hulls. I bought a bag and had trouble bedding and trouble with snapped traps. Lots of misses.
Next summer at a trappers convention in Hughesville, Pa., I talked with Andy about my miserable experience with his hulls. 'You gotta few minutes, Hern?' Andy ask. 'Sure I do, Andy' I replied.
Andy gathered some equipment and hulls and we went behind his trailer. He told me to set the trap, dig a bed, use the hulls and make a dirthole set 'they way I made 'em with his hulls'. I did just that.
I finished in good time, but other folks gathered. Andy took this opportunity to give a little demo and show me the proper way to use hulls.
-My bed was too big and hulls made the trap slide and move. Andy made a cone shaped bed slightly larger than the trap itself, lined it with light coat of hulls and bedded trap. Very tight fitting trap.
-I covered trap and pan with hulls and light coating of dirt,. Andy explained, when a Fox stepped on the pan, the hulls slide causing the trap to fire and time for Fox to pull paw resulting in misses. Andy covered his trap with hulls, but not his pan. He did put a dirt cover over hulls and pan.
And that's what Andy showed me 100x.
Andy did not belittle me, but show me his way. He was a good teacher. After that behind the trailer episode, Andy did many years of demos on the use of Buckwheat hulls for many different State Trappers Rendezvous.

And what's this 100x handle? Are you 10 times better? lol 

Offline Hern

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Re: Extreme cold weather trappin
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2013, 10:24:48 PM »
Extreme cold weather trappin
I like Cable Restrains...

When it's extreme cold weather, there is NO thawing. So plain bone dry, pre-sifted dirt is my choice if it's a 7 to 10 day spell.
But when the cycle of thaw/freeze starts, dry dirt will absorb moisture and freeze your sets.
Wax dirt is the top of the list for extreme cold. But don't put a low spot over your pan. You get rain/freeze you will have an ice cube on your pan. Keep wax dirt sets level.

Offline Predator100x

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Re: Extreme cold weather trappin
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2013, 06:54:03 PM »

Hern asks,

And what's this 100x handle? Are you 10 times better? lol

NAW,my 10x was taken,so I just added another 0. ;)  I was woundering if you were still on this here site,Ya know as I was readin you reply It dawned on me that I do dig out a little bigger bed than needed,I will definitly do what you said an keep it small.The wax dirt recipe you gave me a couple years ago does work really well.But it takes
 a good bit of time to do..And seems like I never make enough,Lol.Thanks buddy for the advice,pred10x I mean 100x. ;D ;D
Skin that one pilgrim and I'll fetch ya another!