Author Topic: Calling Squirrels?  (Read 6925 times)

Offline Bees OBrien

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Calling Squirrels?
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:59:36 PM »
Just wanted to know....or I guess see if any of you guys call calling I mean actually calling them opposed to the norm of sitting/stalking or using dogs..... sometimes calling isn't as productive as the other methods but it can be a blast!

Offline predator77

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Re: Calling Squirrels?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 01:13:33 PM »
I used to call them sometimes. I took two spent 12 ga shells and squeeze the one end (plastic side) and would use that corner to hit against the others brass and it would make that nock, nock nock sound that they do. I don't know what that sound represents in the squirrel world but I've have gotten them to relax and start playing again. I rarely use the barks and chatters because that's usually a sound I hear when they seen me and are alerting everything in the woods.

Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Calling Squirrels?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 08:25:06 PM »
Bee's....If you make a squirrel call....i'll be happy to buy one and test it out!!  Bring it to the show and I'll pick it up with the fireflies.
York, PA
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uncle buck

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Re: Calling Squirrels?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 08:38:32 PM »
I like to hunt squirrel with a mouth call and use a 410 shotgun choked  IC & M.  I do have to get them close and they will run right at you if you use the right sound...Now there are all kinds of sounds to use...Squirrel cracking nuts,  Baby Squirrel Distress Whistle,  barks and chatter of course...I do best making barks and chatter on a mouth call... Bees open reed predator calls inverted will probably do  the trick...Just suck air from the opposite end of the reed side and make it bark and vibrate the reed to do the squirrel talk... some open reed calls work better than the others. That's what I use open reed predator calls inverted to make chatter and or barks..
I always joked about attaching a bayonet on my 410 shotgun because the squirrels do run right at you at times...
I would like to try in the mid afternoon to use the squirrel distress whistle... Mr. Squirrel.....Your suppose to make the high pitched sound of a baby squirrel why you slap the ground with a small tree branch... I use a plastic grocery bag to hit the ground... this is suppose to be the sound of a hawk or owl that is fluttering it wings as it picks up the baby squirrel... Heard tell that this is suppose to expose every squirrel in the tree tops...
the cracking nut call is suppose to put the squirrels at ease and they expose (flash) themselves in the tree tops... LOL
« Last Edit: September 11, 2013, 08:40:14 PM by uncle buck »

Offline Bees OBrien

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Re: Calling Squirrels?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2013, 09:30:26 PM »
I make a chatter/bark call that usually does the trick also make a cutter call that simulates the cutting of a nut................UB is right the chatter and barks seem to be what I do best with.........a lot of people miss out on this calling sport..............but once you learn it things can be crazy fun!

Offline Hern

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Re: Calling Squirrels?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 06:17:13 AM »
When I was a boy, I learn to call 'em with 4 bits= two quarters.
With quarter in each hand, have one quarter upright and the other flat.
Rub edges (ribbed) together slowly for nut cracking sound, fast and single for bark.
Strike edges together rapidly for chatter.