Author Topic: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.  (Read 25592 times)

uncle buck

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I really like my Marlin bolt action  22 WMR for fox... I kill more fox with that then other rifles at night time. BUT!!!!!I kill them at 100 yards and miss them at 20 yards!???? I do like to use the WIN 45 Grain Dynapoints.  They are readily available at times at Wal-Mart..They drive deep well into the fox and they do anchor them... I never had one run away yet that was shot at  100 yards.. I have all kind of ammo catalogs so I pulled out the WIn ammo book and looked up 22 WMR Dynapoints... It as big as day pointed out that if the zero is at 50 yards for this ammo that the trajectory at  100 yards is  2.5. It didn't give any plus or minus figures for the  22 charts so I'm assuming that they meant Minus -2.5 below the  bulls eye at  100 yards...I got me to thinking if I have  the  zero at 100 yards for the Dynacaps I am probably shooting  2.5 inches high at  50 yards.. hence my reason why I miss the red fox so close but kill them at 100 yards... I need to adjust my scope on the Dynapoints to a zero  of  50 yards and hold + 2.5 inches high above the fox  at the  100 yard shots... I do like the  45 grain Dynapoint because it does anchor the fox. however it might be better if I choose a bullet from the charts that has less drop than this  45 grain DYNAPOINT. But there are no grains that I could see that are equal to  45 grain that shoot less than the 45 grain drop of  2.5. also notice the Dynacaps energy is not as great as some of the other Win ammo...  I actually think it must be the larger grain of  45 that anchor's the fox out to  100 yards and not the energy...   I have such mixed emotions now that I looked at the Win charts on the 45 grain  22 WMR Dynapoints bullets.. How could I cut it down if it anchors fox at a 100 yards. I really do think if I change zero around I can have the best  of both close and far  100 yard shots  on night time red fox... I probably need to pick another 22 WMR bullet with less drop but don't like the idea of less grains then  45 ??????

Offline jeremybrua

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 09:06:56 AM »
The bigger factor is the scopt hight.  I think all the ballistic charts are based off 1.5" above center of the bore.  The higher the scope the more of a "drop" you will have.  On my marlin 22 mag the scope is just over 1" above center.  I am dead on at 25 to 100 but I can't think off hand what gr I'm shooting, I think it is 39gr.

Offline predator77

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2013, 12:25:01 PM »
I'm gonna try to zero mine in at 75 yards. I was at zero at 50 and I'm shooting high at 100. Missed some whistle pigs until I started aiming center mast or lower. Plus the spot I take the 22mag out to is up or down hill shots but was originally sighted in at the slight incline range. I'm shooting the Remington accu tip until I run out and go back to the Hornady VMax.

Offline Deerhunter#1

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2013, 03:19:36 PM »
I just got my marlin 22 mag and put it through the ropes with various ammo(horn 30 grain, cci 30 grain +v, cci 40 grain hp, win 34 grain, federal 50 grain and win 40 grain x hp). Best shooting is really a tie. The 50 grain federal and 40 win x were under 1 inch at 100 yards. The rest were all over 2 1/2 at 100. That said I just bought 500 of the 40 as midway had them in stock for all of about 5 minutes. I went with them over the 50 grain because I actually thought the 50 grain would have issues with expanding. As far as energy the 50 grain really had no advantage over the 40 until after say 90 yards. I just picked up 250 rounds of the dynopoints from a friend who said they wont shoot in his gun $25 bucks couldn't say no. I haven't shot them in my marlin but hope they shoot as well as yours does. they are usually the cheapest you can find and the are lead with a brass coating so I bet that is why they perform well as they probably expand very well. Its weird as they are the only bullet listed on the Winchester sight that says for use with larger game.
I would stick with them and just figure out your trajectory. I went with the 40 also in case a coyote comes in instead of a grey and needed a jacketed bullet with a bit more energy. but who knows I haven't shot either with one yet. good luck.

Offline Cm20

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2013, 01:22:04 AM »
I shoot cci gamepoint 40gr out of mine.  Shot winchester super x 40s last year because I couldn't find the cci's both work fine on fox out to 90 yds (that's the farthest I've shot with the 22 mag).  I'm sighted in for 50yds, it's a half inch low at 25 and 2.5 low at 100.  Out of a marlin tube feed it will put 5 shots in a quarter at 100yds on a calm day...any breeze at all groups open up to 1.5 inch or so.  I switched to a DIP scope base so I could use regular rings instead of the dovetails and groups shrunk noticeably...would highly recommend one.  Love those 22 mags

Offline Seeking_Coyotes

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2013, 08:24:05 PM »
Here is what I am shooting this season.  My average shot is 60 yards but these should be very good to 125 yards.  We shall see...

Offline Predator53

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2013, 10:06:41 PM »
I'm also shooting 25 and 30 gr vmax on the foxs and 40gr Fmj on the coyotes....
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uncle buck

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2013, 01:14:53 AM »
Truly if some new predator hunters wants a cheaper rifle to anchor red fox... You should get a used 22 WMR.  What is nice when you have twilight conditions and don't need a light... using simple bulb squeaker to simulate the sound of field mice will bring in many of red fox... the 22 WMR is a great gun for that kind of hunting. However fieldmice squeaking on a night with snow and twilight.. Some of those fox will run right at you when you wear your white camo... So you could be better to have the shotgun not the  22 WMR.

Another possible good gun for red fox will be:
This  $299.00 Winchester 17 Super Magnum Rim Fire might be just the ticket for a red fox gun...We shall see.

someone told me the Dynapoints is a chunk of lead with a metal coating.. maybe that's why it goes deep 8 inches into red fox!??????????????
I saw on hunting pa that many say they are no good... Seems like they are not accurate.  Could be that when it reachers the  100 yard mark it hits hard!????It does anchor chucks for me too.?????????

Offline scott

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2013, 07:08:29 AM »
Why not just use the .22 hornet in 35gr vmax?  you would get the extra energy for coyotes but still not complete destroy a fox.

Offline TrappinJohn

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2013, 07:29:18 PM »
I had less that desirable results from the 35gr v-max out of my hornet.  They blow up pretty quick.  Planning on trying some 40 and 45gr soft points this year. 

Offline Seeking_Coyotes

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2013, 09:00:24 PM »
I think it is quite possible the 17 WSM may make the .22 Mag obsolete. 

Everybody I know who kills fox with the .22 mag has good things to say...

uncle buck

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2013, 04:50:35 PM »
By all means a  22 Hornet would be better than the  22 WMR.  However I'm talking of new hunters that are starting off.  many only own a shotgun and deer rifle... They could get their hands on a  22 WMR and have a pretty good night time fox gun for  100 yards... I know if you shot a coyote in the head with a  22 WMR Dynapoint bullet your going to kill it.. Remember now many of us don't shoot freehand at night...I use a rifle rest.

I do know that 17 WIN web link that explained all of the predator calibers how they compared to the new 17 WIN SMRF did say that both the 22 WMR and the  22 Hornet did drift a bit past 100 yards.  Seeking Coyotes asked for the article... I will have to read it again to see the positive and negative of all the predator calibers..  Hey when it's windy!!! Get Close to the targeted animals approach area and use a shotgun!!!!HA HA    Figure we should be thinking about things on windy windy windy hunts...Bullet drift...
Their is an apps that Nikon has that you key in all the data wind velocity and it tells you where to aim... It cost  $4.00 for the apps.. You would have to key in  this data right before you got out of the vehicle on a windy day to make your stand... Something how high tech stuff can help you now.....That's why I have an IPHONE now..  Ha!  I get so excited about shooting critters at night that I start to rattle abut all kinds of things....HA!

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2015, 02:26:57 PM »
I also have a marlin 22wmr. It is a fox killer! I zeroed it years ago at 55 yards and its 2 inches low at 100. I shoot super X 40 grain jacketed hollow points. I shot a gray at 10 feet and a red a smidge over 100. At 100 I aim for the eyes and hit them in the neck or brisket. If my shots on - gravity does the rest.
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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2015, 08:48:49 PM »
 ;) ;) UB, zero for 75 yds and you will be in the middle for either 50 or 100....give or take an inch... ::) ::) ::)
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Offline Misterjake23

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Re: Best logic for the 22 WMR for hitting point blank to 100 yards.
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2015, 10:55:01 PM »
     I recently  (last year) purchased a new ruger 22 Mag.  I hunt an area where it's just not practicle to shoot groundhogs with a large calibre like my 204 Ruger or 22-250.  I really like the gun, but I have the same problem.  I'm good at 50 yards where I zeroed the rifle, but closer or further , I'm just not satisfied with the accruacy.....either hig or low.  I guess I'm just use to larger, more flat shooting guns.
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