If members are looking for people to thank people other then PPHA members that made this all possible, here is a letter that was sent to me showing who was working on this amendment in favor for PPHA amendment request before it was out for a vote in the senate or the house.
Thank you for taking the time to contact Senator Chuck Mcilhinney concerning the use of a gun mounted light. As the President of the Predator Hunters Association I can fully understand your organizations support for this type of legislation.
It is my pleasure to inform you that House Bill 881 was amended without objection in the Senate Game and Fisheries Committee to include language allowing a light to be mounted to a firearm for the purpose of taking foxes, coyotes and raccoons. It is important to note that this amendment was passed in a bipartisan spirit of cooperation. Representative Cutler, Haluska, Senator Mcilhinney, Fontana, and Kasunic as well as the Pennsylvania Game Commission legislative liaison Joe Neville helped in this effort. Please be assured that the Committee will continue to support these efforts as this legislation continues to move through the legislative process.
Additional people that need thanked.
Brian Cutler, my local PA House Representative helped me in the right direction and offered to write another HB if HB 881 failed to have our amendment added.
It is also in portent to thank the entire PGC staff, with out the PGC working to support all hunters, not just predator hunters none of this is possible. They should always be thanked for there work.
Thomas P. Grohol, Joe Neville and Jason Raup from the PGC also should be thanked, these men know our sport and heard our cries for change and responded favorable for PPHA.