Prizes. T.B.D.
All animals must be taken in District 5
Each participant must make their own topic in the “PPHA Events” forum to place his entries in.( contact the district 5 officer for help or other options)
If hunting in teams or groups, only the shooter collects the harvested animal's points.
All pictures must include the participant displaying their harvest and the official pose. The official pose will be announced before the contest begins.
Predators taken in any other sanctioned PPHA hunt can also be submitted.
All PGC and game laws must be obeyed and followed during the course of the hunt.
All participants must be a PPHA member and must remain a member through the course of the hunt.
No trapping or the use of dogs.
Coyote, 10pts
Fox, 6pts
Coon, 3pts
skunks and grinners, 1pt
Participants can join throughout the season. No pre registering needed for the hunt.