I am spent, we had a great time in the little amount of time I could stay! The kids slept a good deal on the way home, which was good. Daddy napped on the recliner from 12-2:30pm then packed the truck for the end of year scouts cookout, was a blast. We didn't get home until around 9:30pm!!!
Glad to meet everyone, all great people, and loved to chat up not only about hunting, but lots of other social activities. I could of used a set of ear protection LOL those trains ran about every couple of hours, but what the hell, I have endured worse, like the time a couple was drunk and fighting in another campground around here, and got thrown out

We'll be attending this outing again, missed not being able to say goodbye to everyone, but hope to participate more as my time allows!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and have a couple more beers for me!!!!