I attended the PGC Board of Commissioners meeting 04/17/2007 this morning in Harrisburg.
I was very surprised to hear the comments from the represenatitive of the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, Inc. that were presented to the Board of Commissioners on a Gun Mounted Light.
Their speaking represenatitve reported that the PFSC State delegates voted at their State Convention on the Gun Mounted Light recommendation. The vote ended in a tie and in that case they consider the recommendation as failed.
I spoke to the represenatitive afterwards and asked what the delegates concerns were. It came down to some of the delegates bringing up the old issue of scanning, pointing a loaded rifle and identification of a target.
I explained the PPHA positon. how the light is used and all of the positive safety aspects of having a supplemental light on a gun. I also told him of the recent meeting & demonstration with the PGC Bureau of Wildlife Management and that the PPHA is awaiting a reply. I asked if it could be brought up again for discussion at a future PFSC meeting with PPHA members making a presenation and doing demonstration for the PFSC Trapping & Furbearer Hunting Committee. He is going to check into this request and see if it can be brought up again. The represenative also mentioned to me that he is a predator hunter and voted in favor of a gun mounted light. He felt in his opinion, that if the T & F Committee had some additional information before hand, the delegates would have had a better understanding of the recommendation.
I also spoke with the PGC Legislative Liaison and he informed me that a new Bill that deals with the use of a light; Bill No.881 Session of 2007 was introduced on March 22, 2007.
Here is a summary of the newly proposed changes to the Bill:
Section 2310. Unlawful use of lights while hunting.
(b) Exceptions.-- The provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to:
(1) A person on foot who uses a flashlight or spotlight held in the hand or worn on the head if the sole source of power for the light is contained in the light or on the person to take furbearers.
You can view the entire content of HB881 by typing in the Bill Number at