Author Topic: Calling yotes  (Read 6230 times)

Offline zekedogg

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Calling yotes
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:35:51 PM »
This time of the year is it better to use coyote vocalization calls or some type of distress calls? I think it's getting close to the time where they start pairing up, am I correct? But I was also thinking that with the snow and low temps they may be hungry and looking for grub. I got a couple new farms where the farmers are hearing and seeing a lot of tracks and want to try them out and make a couple 2-3 sets this evening.

Also what do you guys think about using a decoy once it gets dark?

« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 12:37:17 PM by zekedogg »
Rick Comport

Pennsylvania Predator Hunters Association

uncle buck

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 02:21:17 PM »
Decoys...It all depends...If you think those coyotes are in a woodlot nearby.. If you go to put the decoy in the field you could have busted yourself... Don't get me wrong ...Even the video on here shows they are honed in on the decoy but like I said putting it out in the field could get you busted..If it's crusty snow.....IMO I would not mess with a decoy putting it way out in a field.. To put it close to you the coyotes are going to see you when you move too..

You could add let say a rabbit distress into your coyote calling scenario oh probably your second call if your only after coyotes.. Of course you just want to give two Interrogation howls.. After doing the first two howls to start.. Shut up for a time spell.. I wait about 8 minutes then do 1 minutes of rabbit or woodpecker distress and then shut up for the 8 minutes.. Now if it's fox season..I usually start off with the food sound first.. Just in case a fox is in the area..I will do about 10 minutes of food distress sounds before I go into my coyote calling scenario which  is always the Interrogation howl..2 howls... Don't over call...You could do 4 howls but don't just keep howling for a long time.  They know just where you are as soon as you do the two howls..Just  IMO. 

Offline scott

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 02:54:55 PM »
i call for 1 minute with a distress sound wait about 8 mins. 
use another distress sound for 1 minute and wait 8 mins. 
use another distress sound for 1 minute but at the end one lone coyote howl and wait 8 minutes.  in this 8 minutes is where i have most of my coyotes show up. 
if that doesn't work i go to female interr howl.  then wait 8 mins
then coyote pup distress for 30 seconds and wait 8 mins.
then another coyote sound and wait for 10 to 15 minutes to leave.  this is also another good time for them to come in. 

uncle buck

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 06:38:59 PM »
Scott something how you just posted that about being silent at the end for longer periods of time.. I just got done watching Byron South Volume V.  He showed two instances where the coyote just would not come to the call.  the first one started barking at them... He stopped calling.. This coyote came into the area 15 minutes after he stop calling..The silent treatment got the coyote to come in for a look see and was killed with one placed rifle shot..  The other coyote came in 45 minutes after he stopped calling ..Both coyotes were killing live stock and were real call shy..

If they are there and barking and they don't come to calling.. It would be worth a try to shut everything down and give them the silent treatment.  After all I do believe too it's the moments of silence that really yanks their chain and makes them have to come in for a look see..
Grant you you might waste up to another 45 minutes sitting there and nothing comes in but then too you might get one of those smart ones to lower there guard and get it.. Now that would be one heck of a accomplishment..

Offline scott

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 09:04:00 PM »
a couple of times this year i have called for about 30 minutes for fox at night, when i walked back to the truck and was loading my stuff into the back i had coyotes barking and howling where we were just standing.  took me a couple of times to realize what they were doing.  if i am going to stay on stand for 45 minutes, might as well stay for an hour when calling just for coyotes.    also randy andersons tip of turning the caller and making them think the coyotes are moving away from them, sometimes this will get the best of them and will have to investigate where they think the coyotes were.  i haven't done this yet but plan on carrying in the fury and the spitfire come tournement time. 

Offline zekedogg

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2011, 09:15:05 AM »
Good stuff guys. Thanks....Rick
Rick Comport

Pennsylvania Predator Hunters Association

Offline kyle21

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2011, 01:53:38 PM »
Just wondering if any of you guys ever tried callin around a den....i found one the other day and man theres tracks everywhere and some BIG ones too. It was pretty cool never really ran into a yote den before there was an odor around the den and you could see heat coming out of it and the snows melted around the hole they had to be there! haha...  its in a stand of pines on right before a steep hill off an old over grown logging road the bottom of the hill it clears out and isnt as thick theres also a creek down there. just wondering how you guys might apporach something like this whether you would set up 40 - 50 yds right off the den or maybe try the logging road or even try callin them down the hill to the clearing. Also might you try and target it in the middle of the day for the best chance on catchin them in there? and any ideas on calling?

uncle buck

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2011, 05:25:24 PM »
If you see that something is there I would not even call.. I'd set up and turn the lights on the area. Kind of illuminate the den area..   Eventually they will come out and you could get a shot..

 You might want to sneak back before sunup.. maybe about 1 hour before and take a chance that what ever it is is coming back to the den.  Set up with the den on the upwind side and you down wind of the den..They can't smell you if they come out of the den that way..

 If you wanted to call... I would not even walk in to the den.. Your call will call them to you just don't get in line where the den is on the down wind side from you to the den.  .. I would do this anytime after dark...

You could could get one of those Foxpro activated call that you hang in a bush that does the chirping constantly too. It might get them to come out and take a look..I think I would stick to voles, or fieldmice if your going to use an electronic call to draw them out... That is less threatening then coyote vocalization..

Offline chiefz28

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2011, 08:38:22 PM »
i was wondering if your lone coyote howl could also be considered the female yodel howl. i was just looking down through my calls on me Fox Pro remote and i dont  have one label as what speaking of.

Offline scott

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 06:13:28 AM »
the lone howl is different then the female yodel.  the lone howl is not offered by foxpro anymore. 

Offline chiefz28

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2011, 06:24:37 AM »
i was gonna say i looked on their site and couldnt find one on the either. any suggestion as to what sound i might want to replace it with?

Offline Hern

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2011, 06:38:02 AM »
I love calling active den sites. Mainly because I figure I have a good chance of connecting. If the den entrance has frosty/frozen ring, it's a good bet.
If you were at the den and 'saw' what you were 'looking at', then you are able to determine the  routes to and from den. By that, once a Fox, Coon or Coyote gets close to it's den, they usually take the same trail. These approach trails are important for my set up on den sites.
With the wind in your favor (cross wind or down wind) set up to kill Coyote on one of it's main den trails. It will feel comfortable on this trail and use it without thinking or second guessing, if you set up for this approach.
I use mouth call for Coyote. Near den sites, Coyote challenge barks, yips, brief howl, barks & yips work in my area. At times it's a game of chess, Coyote responds with a bark or barks, then I answer with the same sound or sounds. Then I usually give 'em the cold treatment, I wait. They just have to check out this intruder near their den, for the most part.
One and Done, draw backs to Den sites this time of year...
If you walk all over the site or kill or miss or muff chance at Coyote...the pair or remaining mate will usually leave this site. Coyote don't like pressure at their den and will pack up and move. But you know they are there...go get 'em for sure!!

Offline Hern

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2011, 06:50:03 AM »
I might add, There may be up to 3 adults at a den site. Alpha pair and an attending female.
The attending female is usually from the last litter or sister to Alpha female and Alpha male allows this unbred female to stay in his home range. When pups are born, the 'attending female' helps with pup rearing.

Offline scott

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2011, 08:26:31 AM »
i was gonna say i looked on their site and couldnt find one on the either. any suggestion as to what sound i might want to replace it with?

not sure what sound would replace it. i will check the caller when i get home.  not sure why they got rid of the call, it is one of my favorites.  i was picking sounds for a guy for a spitfire a couple of weeks ago and noticed it wasn't offered. 

Offline zekedogg

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Re: Calling yotes
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2011, 11:17:58 AM »
I got my Scorpion last year and that sound was not offered then either. I wouldn't mind getting it. I saw that it was offered on Randy Anderson's website Calling all coyotes. . Apparently you can get it from him when ordering a Foxpro. They actually have two of them one's called a Lone Howl the other a Lonesome Howl. I just sent an email to Foxpro asking why they are offered by Randy and not also by them. I let you guys know what their response is.
Rick Comport

Pennsylvania Predator Hunters Association