Some helpful information, almost anyone that ever has had a honest problem the volunteers that give there time for fee have always tryed to take care of the rest of the members problems. It is not like a place were people get paid a salary to take care of business. Matter of fact most people that hold an office see that it is all work and only get to hear the complaints members have and not to many thank you,s. Most in a short time give up there positions they hold in the club because they see all the work they have to do and see very little thank you,s in return. I know the wheels seam to turn slow sometimes but most members get good treatment. The best way if you have a problem is to contact your district Rep, The district officers never know you have a problem until you tell them. Then work your way to other officers if you do not get the problem corrected. Posting on the board just makes these officers feel pressured. Just give your officers an email or a call if you have a district officer. They are all good guys and you will probably make a friend and an officer feel good about his position and the problem might get fixed even more quickly.Who knows you might end up hunting together some day just like the club was started for.