Manufactures do give products to test to reliable, experienced, 'known' hunters.
I don't feel manufactures rely on product testing from organizations or folks they don't know. Product testing depends on how many hours and days a person hunts a year, not just a hunting season. I don't feel many members fall in this category, but would be unfair to other members and may cause hard feelings.
I don't feel a 'review' on this site would get to the masses (number of hunters) that a manufacture would be looking for.
As an organization, I feel we should not be endorsing or debunking any products or test products for manufactures.
On another note...
I read on this and other message broads on a weekly basis about products. Not a set up review, but a honest opinion how this or that works for a fella. Other times I read that someone wants to purchase a product and ask fellow members what they think about it. Replies on said product come in and someone can form his opinion before he buys.