I'll keep ya safe from the perverts UB! I dont' mess around with York Haven in Feb...about 9 yrs ago in a smaller 16 ft single wide boat...with a 6 horse motor, I was out there and got stuck on a rock ledge with the transom UPSTREAM...so when my weight is in the back of t he boat...water...is rushing into the boat over the back...bad bad bad...only person out there too...I got outa that one by the skin of my teeth...but now i've got a 16ft all welded double wide with the choice of a 40 jet or a 35 prop...and i'm a lot smarter now about falmouth and york haven...I do most of my fishing at night down at the bainbridge access anyways, which is the next launch down...if I want to fish falmouth...I can come up stream and fish it...but other than that, I think you'll be alright out there, other than that little incident when i was 15, we've been scare free...and that includes fishin in feb haha...but that is true, you def have to respect nature...and the york haven area is the nastiest the lower susky's got to offer