Author Topic: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.  (Read 3217 times)

uncle buck

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Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« on: February 11, 2010, 08:59:29 PM »
As a kid I fished with my dad a lot. We also fished with other relatives too.....I would fish constant and get upset when the other kids would put their poles down and start to throw rocks in the water...rock throwing in my eyes was to be done on local ponds by the house.. Ponds not having fish in them...When fishing you go to fish not scare the fish away.

That brings me to calling...I get upset a bit if I take a new caller calling...Guy can be an outstanding everything in the outdoors...Turkey hunter, deer hunter,  goose hunter but just say they know Jack about predator calling...Here I am trying to show them what to do and before you know it they are telling me how to hunt predator...Just after they have spent their first hour in the darkness hunting predators...People like this usually do not end up with another invite thats for sure..

This year I have been taking a few people hunting....Most listen...However let me explain something that can really yank a veteran predator caller chain... Now this is IMO on this matter but something I believe in....
The guy that as soon as your done calling they turn their hunting light off...Right then and there too...250 yards out in the field where they had their stand....

First off:;;;  Safety reason...If someone is hunting with me I want to make sure I see him at all times... A predator can come in between us after calling  if you can't see the other guy they just wrecked a shot up for you or him...  SAFETY The First Reason)

Also sometimes when looking back as your walking out you will see a predator coming to your calling late...Hey a chance to pick one off with the rifle if you have a rifle with you...You turn the light off you ain't going to see any late comers thats for sure...  The Second reason

The Third Rweason:P Remember...It will say this in all the Dennis Kirk books too::Your Red Light Is Your Shield.  Turn It Off  And the Predator Will See You. When hunting predator you turn your light on at the vehicle walk in hunt and do not turn it off until you get back to your car.  
So here I am calling for fox...We are done....The new hunter turns of the red light off  while on stand...Thinking he is doing me a favor by saving me battery power... All of a sudden it happens not more then 100 yards from us...Within seconds of his light going off too. A pack of coyotes open up with Barking and wuffing and Yipping.. Wuffing and yipping many times means you have been had...

Odds are they came to call and did not show themselves or the person did not see their eyes... The light went off and it was...We Were Busted because they saw the person without their red light on...
See it even goes one step further.... I also believe since the light being turned off busted us as being a human..Everyone of the sounds I made when calling prior too will probably not work on this pack of coytoes...By the way I have yet to call coyotes back there again.

Again this IMO on this.. I do know of seasoned caller who will walk in and also turn their light off prior to and after calling.
Just say I still go by the book...Dennis Kirk books...I have notice in my eyes the Ole Dennis Kirk is right too....

Should any of you ever hunt with me someday..If you turn to the other guy and say watch me get uncle buck mad...If you do this you probably will....
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 09:01:55 PM by uncle buck »

uncle buck

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2010, 09:08:15 PM »
Recently I lent this person all the Dennis Kirk books I have... When I do get the books back...I am going to ask him?  did you see where your not suppose to turn your light off at all going to the stand, making the stand, and coming back from the stand?
If he says no I did not see that.. Then he's not going hunting with me anymore...  LOL LOL

Offline zekedogg

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2010, 09:24:46 PM »
Don't be a grumpy ol' uncle explain to him the right way to do things.   ;D
Rick Comport

Pennsylvania Predator Hunters Association

Offline bigben

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 06:01:51 AM »
  I have taken a good bit of family out this year and the biggest thing I have ran into is noise.  talking while on stands coughing and hacking, smoking a cigarette while on stand.  the biggest problem I have when taking a new fella hunting and them not ending a successful callin with successful hunt with fur down is the fact that they are not ready.  I have placed a few people this year and told them look right there do not scan anywhere else just right there.  and be ready.  They do not understand that I know where the fox is going to come from and it seems silly to them along with the fact that they do not believe that a fox will come in there.  next thing I know they have their slinged shotgun on their shoulder scanning after a minute into the stand.  when a fox does come in they have to get their sling off their shoulder and get the gun up into their hands and fire a shot and in this process the fox which would have been an easy chip shot if they would have kept their gun up or ready is now runnin up the mountain laughin at us.  when I call the mountian for greys I normally setup in spots that will only allow the ready person to take the shot.  if your looking off in lala land while you should have been looking where I told them they would have harvested their first grey.  also while they are watching that spot I was scanning other locations that have called in coons before.

  snap shooting is something that I do not think many practice.  I snap shoot 99% of the time while hunting.  many times while hunting predators sometimes the animal will give you enough time to get them in your sights and when your getting ready to squeeze the trigger they look away.  of course if they look away you lost that opportunity.  while shotgun hunting I have a short barreled shotgun that I can keep ready whenever.  It is not a task to have to hold it at the ready for 15 min straight while letting a call sequence run through.  my rifle I keep up on sticks and ready at all times.  practice your shooting technique and what if scenarios.  what if a predator responds off to your left.  how are you going to swing your rifle and shooting sticks effectively?

between the noise people made this year while going to stands or while on stand and the shooter not being ready that is what irritates me the most.  or the shooter not knowing their gear.  I had one guy that did not remember where the safety was on his gun while a fox sat out there all pretty waiting to be shot.  50 yd shot with a rifle and he couldn't find the safety because he just bought the gun.  he got the fox fever and couldn't find it through the gloves.  

I do not get mad when others do this but it does get frustrating when you have been calling all night in late season and you have someone that blew an easy shot because they were not ready. 
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 06:02:49 AM by bigben »
“If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not”. Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. “Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.”

Offline catmando

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 02:21:31 PM »
ive been fox hunting for 25 years and still do some dumb arse things, but i usally hunt by myself so i cant blame noone

Offline jaspr1

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2010, 04:57:32 PM »
If I need to keep my light on or my partner needs to leave their light on, SO NO ONE GETS SHOT ???...I'm going alone.. When I was a young man I trapped and never used a light until I was at my set...didn't want to advertise....didn't want to have anything stolen ,fur,or trap...and mostly didn't want anyone to know I was there. Same applies now. Up  until 2yrs ago I never had a Red light, being brought up on the canted white light theory... I shot my first fox in 1959 with a single shot  Winchester, iron sights, 22 Win. smokeless EZXS stainless primer ammo. What a rig, all I had, shot quite few with it, didn't know any better...I have shot more than my fair share of fox ,if I never shoot another flea bag fox I will not lose any sleep over it...Just because others don't  emulate your program ....doesn't make them wrong it makes them different than you. Funny some of them despite being so stupid are successful none the less...while I'm on this rant I might also add when did we need to be so techno-geeko to go hunting? My first fox call was two pieces of plastic held together by a rubber band, I think it was made by Burnham bit on it to squeal...yet as stupid as I am , no cammo, no scent lok, no electonics, no hevi-shot....I managed to kill a few foxes that were obviously dumber than me...just saying...I'm Not much for taking next time if there is a next time rules of engagement should be announced up front...

uncle buck

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2010, 05:35:37 PM »
Sometimes one can do things wrong with fox or coon and it's not over you can still get a shot... Now our Eastern coyotes? Thats another story...
When calling one has to be prepared for all kinds of predators to come to the call now....Wow coyote populations are picking up thats for sure.
Most times...There are dumb coyotes too...However just say football...The favored team loses many times since the underdog plays the perfect game....Eastern Coyotes.....Everything MOST times has to be perfect. I am sure once our populations grow here in Pa. Coyotes will start to drop their guards a bit due to the populations growth...
I suppose when I go predator hunting I am not a true cruise director... I try to perform the  100% perfect game plan..

It's kind of like this...There a coyote!!!!!!!! and then he's gone...Somewhere within the millisecond something was done wrong by someone..
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 05:39:36 PM by uncle buck »

Offline foxtrot

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Re: Things that Yank Your Chain When Predator Calling.
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2010, 10:53:45 AM »
New hunters almost always slam the car door when they get out and then talk to you in a whisper.
The other thing that comes to mind is when your on stand and have to cough, try to fight it to the last minute and when you can't fight it any longer let it all out and walk back to the vehicle disgusted.