Author Topic: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????  (Read 5336 times)

uncle buck

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Wow going into my 25 year of night time hunting....I often think back about some of the unsual things that I have encounterd OUT THERE at night.  Some can be explained some I am still wondering Just What That Was??????

I was calling on a new farm that runs into one of the Cumberland County mountains.... Nice place, mountain, woods come down and there is the farmers field right at the base of the mountain... Small fingers of woods stick out into the fields.. I was working my way up toward one of the fingers...There in front of me stood a tree...The tree had the letter "C" burned in it from the outside of the trunk into the center..  It's a known fact that in this area witches and devil worshipers were meeting... Dogs mulitlated, cattle multilated the front paws and or hoves removed from the dead animals. The thing was still smoking...The hair on the back of muy neck stood straight up right at that momment.  I suredid not hang around there long there after... Departed the farm and never went back......
The letter "C"... This is what witches or cults equal to do..They take gasoline or a burning substance place it on the outside of the tree and allow the fire to burn into the tree.  Hence the letter "C" appears... As you know they will do anything to mimmic the name CHRIST. Had a brief at my kids middle school...Doctor who gave the talk to all the parents about your kids, and the cults, etc etc told about the letter "C" thing in the tree... That is why I know about it... By the way the cult....turns everything upside down.. Religious Crosses, candles, write in book upside down etc. etc...This would be a good indicator if you found this in your kids bedroom that they may be in some kind of  cult.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 08:58:30 PM by uncle buck »

Offline foxtrot

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 11:28:59 PM »
I thought I had some wild and crazy nights but thats pretty wild U.B. you never know what your going to learn about on hear,and to make things worse its right before my bedtime.

Offline jaspr1

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2010, 07:35:23 AM »
 ;D That's why I only go out on MOONLIT nights....I like to see them before they sneak up on me!!!!   ;D ;D  Here's a tip I don't often share...always take a squirt gun with Holy Water in it.. ;)

Offline Buckwheat

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2010, 10:18:04 AM »
One more thing to carry. I already keep aluminum foil wrapped over my head for space ships.
How do you keep squirt gun from freezing?
For a brief moment I could hear nature through all the noise.

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Offline jaspr1

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2010, 10:41:57 AM »
 ;D Well Ernesto, you would be the only one clueless enough to ask  ;D ;D You are from Dist. 2, so I will cut you some slack...not!!  ;D  Holy water doesn't freeze, otherwise it wouldn't work in the winter... ;D ;D  Didn't know that did you??? 8) You did teach me something though. ::) ;..I thought that aluminum foil on your head was to keep anyone from doing a brain scan and stealing your tri-pod blueprints..... ;D I didn't know it was for spaceships...I just blink my light at them to let them know that spot is taken >:( they usually just go and land elsewhere...over in Cumberland Co. somewhere... ;D

uncle buck

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2010, 02:58:25 PM »
Things are so bad with the cults and Werwoves in Cumberland County that my first shot in my rifle is a Winchester Silver Tip bullet...
UB does not watch any Werewolf or Vampire movies during hunting season...I remember making the mistake of watching.. Children of the Corn..did the Corner Corn Set Up...Knew them suckers were going to come out any minute and get me!!!!!!!!

Brother Tom and I did an nightime and early morning hunt...New Kingstown area of Cumberland County...We stopped in a convience store for a cup of coffee.  We depart.....the place was robber not two minutes later....The Silver Spring Police wanted to know WHO the two guys in the camo were on the Conviencde store video camera... Brother Tom had to call and clear that up with the local police....We could have had two composites of us a few days later in the paper... Gee ever notice how I make the newspaper?????

Ah Stary Stary Night of Feb hunting...Shooting stars of course in the heavens..... One night I look up and I see a meteor explode and green fire and smoke appear in the sky there after...Yep I was thinking like Buckwheat should have had my piece of foil on my forehead.  Later a scientist from Lancaster had a write up in the paper for anyone that saw that to pass on what they saw to him...I wrote up what I saw and sent it to him....Um wonder if all that green dust was not the red mist but the green mist from them their aliens that did not make it  to earth??????  
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 02:59:06 PM by uncle buck »

uncle buck

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2010, 03:11:22 PM »
Brother Tom and I had permission to hunt on a farm right next to a car dealers.....We parked on the backroad of the dealership right next to the farm land entrance..... We started calling and not more then 10 minmutes a guy in a car appeared... He saw our lights from above thefarm..Houses on the hill...... He drives right into the field and says..."What Are You Doing?" He see our guns, the necklace of death hanging around my neck (aka my predator calls) electronic callers etc.. Red lights on our head,etc.  "We tell him "We have permission fromthe farmer to hunt fox here."    He says, "Oh OK.".  As we depart is starts following us in his car. At some point he nearly runs us off the road... I tell my brother to pull down another farm lane I have permission on...the guy runs his car accross the lane so we can't exscape...1 minute alter the police arrive.  They approach us and ask what we are doing..We tell the cop "We Are Hunting Fox and This Guy near killed us with his vehicle!"

He goes over to the guy he tells him what we are doing and he drives away...NO I'm Sorry or nothing.  Later we find out he was the service manager or a manager at the car dealer... Someone was stealing cars and smashing windows of the cars... So no matter what we said he still called the cops on us...

I was more upset that he did not say......SORRY for doing that to us. Can understand calling the police for Suspicious Activity.....However you do that you also need to approach a person and say Sorry About That...... Remember we did not know who he was either.  what he was doing to us someone that did not THINK could have shot him......

Ah Yes Night Time Predator Hunting Truly Is Not Just A Hunt! "It Be An Adventure!"
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 03:13:02 PM by uncle buck »

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2010, 05:18:59 PM »
Do cultists count as predators?  If so you have an awsome spot!!
U.S. Army 99-06
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uncle buck

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2010, 12:24:35 AM »
Do cultists count as predators?  If so you have an awsome spot!!

If they try to attempt to cut your front paws off!!!!!!!!!!

Offline jaspr1

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2010, 04:25:56 AM »
I for one have picked up a lot of valuable info from this post...Thanks UB! 1.Always use silvertip bullets 2.Remember the aluminum foil 3.Holy water in the squirt gun 4.Invite brother Tom for a he spends more time in field than in police line-ups. 5.NEVER hunt with UB, unless Tom goes along for adult supervision and to act as police negotiator. 6.The most important one!!! Absolutely never, ever, never, eat one of UB's mushroom recipes for supper...right before a hunt. Follow these few steps and you will just have a normal night out..You know freezing your butt off while unseen stuff growls in the brush around you... ;)

Offline dreamcatcher

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2010, 08:38:26 AM »
 Obviously, driving the foxmobile would have helped explain what you were doing there, and avoided some trouble.
 Question, is any store bought foil srrong enough to wear?
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uncle buck

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2010, 01:14:13 PM »
I for one have picked up a lot of valuable info from this post...Thanks UB! 1.Always use silvertip bullets 2.Remember the aluminum foil 3.Holy water in the squirt gun 4.Invite brother Tom for a he spends more time in field than in police line-ups. 5.NEVER hunt with UB, unless Tom goes along for adult supervision and to act as police negotiator. 6.The most important one!!! Absolutely never, ever, never, eat one of UB's mushroom recipes for supper...right before a hunt. Follow these few steps and you will just have a normal night out..You know freezing your butt off while unseen stuff growls in the brush around you... ;)

Now All That There Is Funny!!!!!!

Offline predator77

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2010, 01:19:02 PM »
 We have had devil worshipers and small cult and rumors around here for years. A couple years ago someone tied a dog up and burned it in the Grindstone area. They suspected it was a cult. I have heard some weird things in the night time woods but I don't know how I'd act if I heard some booga booga chants in the night or sacrificial runes. Reminds me of the Blue Lagoon movie. Crazy times!
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 01:20:11 PM by predator77 »

uncle buck

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2010, 01:24:39 PM »
I do remember one night of making the mistake of climbing over a corral and low and behold there was a horse in there.. Thing started running after me...To this day...I do not know if it was running with me or against me?  Sure did not like me there.. Reminded me of bootcamp days when I had to climb over the other end of corral fence with all kind of things on my back.

Then there was the time I read in a Dennis Kirk How Too book that calling in the FOG was productive...  I climbed under many of electric fence to go deeper into the fog infested farm... Set up the call and then let here rip...I stood right by the speaker too.. Knew the predator would come right for it...Was one of those fog was like Pea Soup Nights Too... Kind of Haunting.....All of a sudden I hear chains a clanging and coming closer and closer to my speaker.. Of course you know what happens... The hair on the back of your head goes straight up in the air!!!!!
Dang I said to  myself But it really was not the word DANG!!  I knew it I was calling in Spooks and gobblins for sure... I shut the caller off and the sound of the chains stopped.. Whew!!!!I said to myself...I turned the caller back on ...The sund of the chains started up again.  Getting louder now coming right for the speaker, lourder, louder, LOUDER LOUDER!!I about did something in my pants...The hair on my head went straight up that knocked the hat off my head... Well Almost anyway!!!!  All over a sudden the sound was 10 feet, 8 feet, 5 feet, 3 feet, and there it was standing right in front of me!!!!! A HERD OF COWS!!! I CALLED ALL THE COWS RIGHT TO MY SPEAKER.. THE CLANGING OF THE CHAINS WAS THEIR COW BELLS.   Whew I thought I was a gonner for sure.. Just called in about 25 Gurnsey cows!!!!!!!!  Dennis Kirk calling during  Pea Soup Fog Conditions Is Not For Me!!!!!!!

uncle buck

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Re: Night Time Predator hunting is not just a hunt it's an adventure?????
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2010, 01:26:46 PM »
I remember one person who use to post on here... Say he stumbled on METLABS.  Now that would be worse then meeting up with a witch or a gurnsey cow?