Jay thanks for the info..Yep I will be careful..Wow that Bluedot in a shotgun shell kicks like a mule too.....
Just got a T/C 24 inch 22250 Encore barrel. Rate of twist is 1-12 of course unlike the Rem model 788 which is 1-14 twist..
I have a 22 Hornet Encore barrel...I remember talking to an old ice fisherman in the Poconos one year I was hunting coyotes.. He told me how there were plenty around.. However he said "Hornet for coyotes?" "You should be using something bigger!" However in the daytime when hunting coyotes...You should be able to call your shots..Unlike night hunting which is tought. So yep a Hornet in the head will get him...However why not have a gun that you can shoot it in the side or in the chest and it drops right there....
I have used the 22 WMR for fox? However why take the 22 WMR when you have a Hornet?

???Why take the Hornet for coyotes if you have a 17 CF or a 22250? Ah people just want to learn how to track critters that why they go undergunned..Then in the snow you see the tracks going down a hole....Um don't put your hand down that hole!!!