Author Topic: Square Shotgun Load?  (Read 4799 times)

uncle buck

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Square Shotgun Load?
« on: December 26, 2009, 12:49:23 AM »
Was reading a predator hunting book this week...Shotgunning...Author highligted "Loads That Are Square!"  "A shotgunners term for a payload  of shot that is roughly the same length as it is around." "or close to square as possible will generally perform  better than a longer shot charge."

When a not square load compresses it  deforms pellets which often ends up as FLYERS well outside of the core pattern.

Many times you see these 2 Oz or 1 7/8 ounce loads in 3 inch shells...or even 2 3/4 inch shells... Should we be using something square like a load of 1 1/4 at most in our shotguns?  Flyers are good if your hunting small game but not good for turkey or predator out past 40 to 45 yards.
Also the 3 1/2 shell...the length surely can't be as long as round if you use 2  oz of shot in the cup??????????

Could it be that maybe the 2 3/4 could shoot better or equal to a 3 inch/ Suppose when it comes to shotgunning you need to take a day and pattern your shotguns..

Also when a shot charge travels.. You look at your target and see the pattern it developed..However not all shot gets to the target at the same time.. So the pattern you see might not develop all at once. Some pellets hit before the others...

By the way the author claimed that is one of the reason why a 10 gauge is better then a 3 1/2 12 gauge shell???????
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 12:51:57 AM by uncle buck »