There are a lot of pro and con about using semiautomatic to hunt predators... Surely people that hunt with semiautomatic shotguns for legal game have experienced malfunctions of their semiautomatic shotguns. This would happen at night with rifles and hand guns too... Could be the end of your hunt for the night.. Ah nothing like the use of a single shot for night time hunting.. drop one bullet in the chamber close it up and your ready... Bolt actions could and are a pain at night too to be honest with you...Semi could be worse.. At least bolt action you can use as a single shot if the magazine is not working for you (sometimes) unless you bolt won't close on you at all..
I recently hunted with two Texans in Texas...They had semiautomatic rifle and shotgun... They were so good of a shot they only fired once...They didn't need a 2nd shot. Me I was using a Savage 24 V shotgun rifle combo..That killed a coyote too...Kind of like a single shot gun.. One rifle shot or one shotgun shot..
In Pa you would have to know you territory before you used the semiautomatic.. If you have wide open land to shoot on you could use it safely and twilight conditions... If it was pitched dark then the semiautomatic would not even be feasible..
Laws many times they are not logical or realistic...New York State... You can use semiautomatics but I don't think you can hunt at night with lights..
??See law makers that have to approve this just don't really know.. It's their gut feeling on things not what is right nor what is wrong..
Here in Pa hunters feelings on use or not the use of semiautomatic rifles and hand guns are gut feelings most times too..Maybe if someone came from another state and moved here that hunter would know for sure if it was safe or not.. Many of us don't know because we never even hunted with a semiautomatic.. Again also same applies for the law makers.. They are saying NO but they don't know if it's safe or not either...