You have to try different brands of manufacturer loads.... Turkey loads while expensive shoot outstanding...Hevishot shoots well.
I like the Carlston Deadcoyote choke tube.. In the BPS Stalker it shoots # 4 buckshot, Deadcoyote, Hevishot, and Federal buffered turkey loads well.
Also this is the time to buy factory instead of reloading shotgun shells unless you know what your doing. If you are going to reload make sure you pattern your shotgun for sure. Stay away from Red Dot gun powder ... Use Blue Dot or Herco. As you know Red Dot is for target or light field loads..
Many of us like to use FEDERAL (Buffered) Turkey loads....
I always use full choke guns instead of Modifed or Improved Cylinder when hunting fox. I do not care if i'm gray fox hunting too. Full is the best to use...
Also if your pattern your gun and it still shoots high to the right or low...Then when you shoot that load you shoot to a spot to compensate and make it hit center.
Summary......Carlston Deadcoyote choke tube....Federal Buffered # 4 shot, Deadcoyote shells, Hevishot.