Try this address:
http://www.huntingpa.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=802556#Post802556 This should take you to the huntingPA.com site where the Snowy Morning painting really came up
big-- I'm not sure why it came up as big as it did but that hasn't happened since. (Good thing! I was a little embarrassed!) You can also just go to the huntingPA.com website, click on forums, the Predator,Varmint and Raccoons forum, the "Coyote painting: What do you think?" It's on the 2nd page of that forum now-- that will take you to the post I'm talking about too.
Anyway, I'm also working on a "space" (site) where people can look at my paintings. It's not quite ready, but I'm working on it and it should be in the next day or 2.
Thanks for your interest!