That's the same prices I'm hearing around the state auctions. There are more coming up this month.
Dist. 7 sale I sold a couple Reds & Greys. I already shipped a few dozen to Canada, so these were caught after that. Plus, I support D-7's sale and always try to get a few pieces there.
I actually got 'the high price' on my Reds & Greys on overall sales.
Reds-- $14.25
Greys- $15.00
Many folks, including 3 buyers, told me my fur looked great. Some ask questions how I handled them.
My Reds are put up on a 5 1/2", bottle nose, solid board.
I feel that board, makes my Reds longer, fur denser and a uniformed look. I tell folks, it's not me, it's the board I use.
For me, the worst time of fur season is 'SELLING'. I hate it.
I never know where or who to sell to to get the best price.