District 8 Pa. Trappers Association will be holding a trapper training school at Susquehanna Valley Sportsman Association, Liverpool on Saturday, August 13,2016.The school is designed to help beginners as well as the advanced trapper. The school will be open to male and female students of all ages and can be a family event. An adult must accompany children under the age of 12. The school is free to anyone who wishes to attend.
Trapping school is a one day,all day long, Saturday session. The school will start at 8:00 am Saturday morning and wrap up around 5:00 pm. You need to be registered by 7:30 am. Meals will be provided (breakfast starts at 7 and we will serve lunch.
Experienced trappers will provide instruction, please bring a notebook. They will cover the entire trapping process,types of traps,preparation,demo's on land and water,skinning,fleshing and maketing. Trapping laws,license and seasons.
You will need to fill out an application for enrollment and pre-register (ASAP). We supply traps and equipment needed for the schoool. You need to dress in proper trapping attire (Outdoor clothing ,water proof boots,etc.)
If you have any questions about the school please call Andrew Hartenstine at 717-331-6786 or e-mail at ahart075@aol.com Directions: 1419 Perry Valley Rd.,Liverpool,Pa. 17045