Learn how to use farm equipment, buildings, farmers houses, ponds, rivers, streams to force predators to have to come to you... I can hunt in safety zones.. So if I have a farm with a incline up to the barn door. I will get up against the barn door with my rifle.. Using a tripod and the wind in my face I call from there. The wind is in my face so the coyotes can't go down wind of the barn and go through it.
Many times a farmers house up a hill.. Set up on that side with the wind in your face.. When the coyote circles down wind he or she can't go on the side where the farmers house is or maybe there is a rock ledge up on that side you set up on.. They come in they make their arc on the others side to come to the call...
When calling... Coyotes like to come from cover to cover... Find farms that have cover at your back and cover or a woodlot up on a hill.. Not that I haven't called them across open fields at night.. They feel comfortable going from cover through a field to more cover...
Stream at your back electronics 40 yards out aimed at you... Wind in your face.. The predator will circle down wind of the caller hit the steam bank and come along the edge .. Could be the right side or the left side.. I like to use a shotgun for this night time set up...
Bend in the road... Place the electronic caller behind you aim down wind this time.. post down wind of the caller where a logging road bends and goes to the left or right.. Now post on the outside bend.. The predator will come down the road toward the caller but you will shoot it before your scent hits him or her. If you post on the inside edge of the bend you will see nothing....