Author Topic: Get together at Yankee Doodle Thank You Jaspr1 (Paul) for setting this all up  (Read 4435 times)

uncle buck

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We had and outstanding time today at Yankee doodle restaurant in Wormleyburg... Thank you Paul for doing an excellent job getting all of this together... We did have a good turn out too.

Of course we went over so much secret calling stuff there that we had to remove the tongues of  everyone  so they wouldn't tell anybody with was discussed... My wife is wondering why I can't talk now... I even learned a few things too.. Many of the stories we told were funny too...

Keep up the good work Paul aka Jaspr1.. that was a winner get together this morning that's  for sure..

Nice meeting people from here and placing their name with their face..We all got along real well too!!!!
Nice to also meet old friends too!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 11:18:32 AM by uncle buck »

Offline Misterjake23

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  +1   It was great to hear everyone's little calling secretes and compare notes.
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
If you heard my shot, Feel lucky...I wasn't aiming at you!

Offline Pa Goosehntr

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Yea but Wilbur got UB's tapes and they have the "Golden Sounds" on them  ::) ::) ::) ::)
I Speak Fowl Language!!
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Offline Misterjake23

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Here's some pics of the PPHA Breakfast Club !

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 12:29:36 PM by Misterjake23 »
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
If you heard my shot, Feel lucky...I wasn't aiming at you!

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More Pics... 

At the head of the table in the red sweatshirt and working counter clockwise is:  Darin Hosier  (Bowman66)   President of the PPHA, Gasey Howe then her husband Ron Howe (DeadEye),  Paul Simmons (Jasper1)  Tim Deckert (LookN4Fur)  Jim Whitmore  (PAGoosehunter)  Tom Monko.

     In the second Picture going clockwise is:  Ernie Wilson (Buckwheat)  Rob Wilber (Guest)    Cliff Martin (A Bolt)   Standing:   Jim Monko (Uncle Buck)       Jake Clevenger - VP PPHA  (Misterjake23)  Darin Hosier - President PPHA (Bowman66)  Tom Monko (Sitting on end)    Jim Whitmore (PaGoosehunter)     Tim Deckert  (Lookin4Fur)       Paul Simmons  (Jasper1)    Ron Howe  (Deadeye) and his wife Gasey Howe.

     If I spelled a name wrong or messed up the order.....SORRY !  Let me know and I'll try and correct it.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 05:38:10 PM by Misterjake23 »
York, PA
Bee's O'Brien Field Staff
If you heard my shot, Feel lucky...I wasn't aiming at you!

Offline Dale

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looks like ya'll had a great turn out for the breakfast... I'd a liked to have made it up but will have to wait till the gathering on the river this summer if you have it...
when you step out the truck, you become part of the food chain...

Genius by birth....    slacker by choice!...

Offline jaspr1

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 :) It was more a group effort of instigating that got it done  :) We had a few almosts that would have pushed the number closer to 20  :) A lot of topics flew around that table in 2hrs  ::) and everyone seemed genuinely pleased, with how it went...Thanks everyone for showing..... 8)