Author Topic: the old saying beware of a man that only uses one gun  (Read 2959 times)

uncle buck

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the old saying beware of a man that only uses one gun
« on: February 13, 2015, 12:34:59 AM »
You start jumping all around and using all kinds of different types of shooting irons it's going to hurt you... You look at some of the best shots... All they use is the same rifle or a very few over and over and over again..  Hence that why I like using the T/C Encores.  even if I change the barrel out at least it's the same type rifle... You start going from  700 BDL, to Savage  24 V, then Marlin 22 WMR, then to Savage Model B's,  Same thing with shotgun too.. I once missed the call in of a lifetime when I called in a coyote to me not 10 yards from me... What did I do...Took a Single Shot shotgun with a turkey choke installed in it. Instead of my SBE 11 that would have given 3 quick shots...Many times I drop fox not on the first shot but the 2ND and or the  3rd shot when I use the Benelli SBE 11.  Sadly the shotgun was an Encore single shot turkey gun that I just got that week.. hence I wanted to try it for predators.. The coyote came at me so fast that I try to find him in a Holosight on the turkey gun.  If I would have hit him with that single shot I would have blown a donut size hole into his or her hide with the T/C encore Turkey choke installed in the shotgun...  Do I still use different guns?  Yes.. But I'm a little more conscious of choosing the right one now.. Actually when I'm calling most times for two other hunter I now use a shotgun not a rifle... They are suppose to shoot them with the rifle.. I use the shotgun if they pass their perimeter and are close to me and the shot is safe..  My post is maybe for the new hunter... If your good with all kinds of model guns then good for you... You could be hurting yourself if your not the best shot and you start jumping around and are not familiar with all your shooting irons..

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Re: the old saying beware of a man that only uses one gun
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2015, 01:14:35 AM »
Great advice UB!
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