It would be great if we considered establishing a position of Legislative Director / Public Relations Officer to work with the pgc to advocate for predator hunting opportunities. Just an idea... Everything is so skewed to favor trappers in this state. Nothing against trapping as I've been a trapper and am cable restraint certified. Predator hunters just kinda get the shaft when it comes to the Bobcat. It is like putting the deer rifle season before archery season..? We are a low impact sport only taking at most 10-20% of the fox in PA. While we are at it we may be past time for a fisher predator hunting season as well as an expanded trapping season for fisher as well.
Since no members have engaged on this post I'd like to throw out there that I think Joe Bizub or Ernie Wilson would make great presidents, Damian Fowler would be a great Vice President, Tim Decker a great secretary, etc. Heck, if half of us spent 10% of the time on PPHA that we do surfing the internet...we collectively would accomplish amazing results!