You know I have two trophies left here from some other hunts and I consider crows a predator.
So if anyone (PPHA Members) wants to try and get there grubby little hands on one of these tropes we should have a little crow hunt. All you would have to do is kill some crows and post them. If you do not have a camera I will trust you on your word. But each time out you need to report your kill on the club board. These two trophies should get us through July and august. September we will not need any trophies because other seasons will be starting up by then and hunters will be gearing up for the fall hunts. To spice it up some, the winner each month could request what the plaque says as long as it is with in reason is not to hurt anyone and fits on the label area of the trophy and is PG13 RATED. These hunts will end on the last day of July and august.
Just one more little thing the rest of you guys BETTER HURRY UP!! There are only 26 days left this month and you can only hunt 12 of those days.
Aaaaa-yea!! Just one more little thing the hunt starts tomorrow. 220 Woody and I are going crow hunting tomorrow morning and we are both trying to win a trophy. LOL