Ryan, after attending the outdoor show in Harrisburg a few weeks ago and seeing the paracord lanyards they were selling there, most were charging 40-60$ depending on weave and length,. I came home and immediately copied the idea, instead of the round style weave thet most at the show used I did a flatter wider weave called a cobra weave, I just like the look better and already knew how to do it,to hold each call on the lanyard I just made a loop of paracord with a spring, pretty much how most are secured to the lanyard they come on, you're going to have to play with their spacing and cord lengths to get them to stop clanking around on each other, after about two hours I came up with a lanyard that works and looks great keeps everything right where I want it. I'm a bit technologically challenged so I've yet to figure how to post pics, but as soon as I figure it out I'll post some pics for you. Check YouTube, an individual by the name TIAT, he's pretty good at showing how to make a lot of interesting paracord projects.