This year i started mink trapping and had a blast doing it. i caught several, one of which was a 26" male. minks can be difficult to trap because their trails are often hard to spot to an untrained eye but once you know what you're looking for the fun part begins. I use a combination of blind sets, 110 conibears and pocket sets. One thiing that you'll learn is that the pocket doesn't even have to be bated to catch a mink. they are so curiouse that when running along the creek they willll peak their head in nearly every hole they pass to look for food. Another good thing about mink trapping is that they are incredibly easy to skin and you can get a pretty good price for their furs. you'd be supprised by how small of creeks you can catch them in too. one female that i caught was in a creek only about 2 feet accross. in the fall take time to look for tracks in soft mud on creek banks to locate where they're at.