Link is an event that PPHA members have helped with for a few years now. It is called Lancaster County Sportsmen for Youth. This organization has had hunters donate there time every year for a full day just to youth. They start out in the morning by raising the flag by the Boy Scouts.
Then the fun starts for the around 150 to 225 kids every year.
The have
22 Rifle shooting, Predator calling contest and how to hunt them, Trap shooting, Fishing in pond for fish, Dogs that run real rabbits for kids to see, Fly fishing, Lunch, Canoe in lake, Trapping demos by the Pa trappers, Turkey hunting videos and calls, great donations ever year for the kids. FoxPro has donated calls every year and Predator Xtreme has donated there Mag. every year since PPHA has done these events. Thanks to our donators it makes Archery shooting, Woods Safety, Muzzle loading and shooting and a Fun run. There are other events on other years but this gives you the idea.
PPHA has had a booth there every year now and has received some the event great for every child there.