I'm the kind of person when I go to the range I just can't take one gun..I spent 4 hours there today...Thought I would run into a lot of people...There were some but most times it was just Me and another person shooting at the 100 yard range..From 3 to 4:30 PM I was the only person there for all the ranges.
All I can say now is that I am ready...If I miss any predator with the rifles it's not going to be the rifles fault that's for sure..Gives you a good feeling to know that your predator guns are sighted in perfect..
Only thing I did not do was to play around with different 22 WMR ammo...The Winchester Dynapoints grouped so well at 100 yards I figure why even mess with the other brand ammo.. Also read months back that the 22 WMR Dynacaps penetrate deep and are good for anchoring larger varmints...