Author Topic: Coyote shotgun Reload data  (Read 6065 times)

uncle buck

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Coyote shotgun Reload data
« on: August 23, 2010, 11:36:56 PM »

Reloading info for heavy buckshot down to size B lead for coyotes.  Info cover 10,12,16,20, and 410 loads....

uncle buck

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Re: Coyote shotgun Reload data
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 12:04:10 AM »
I got out of the house tried some of the 20 gauge Bluedot  # 4 Nickel Plated Buckshot and Herco BB Nickel Plated loads...  Since the 20 gauge has less pellets then a 12 gauge it best to use the Full choke tube in your gun for predator hunting.. The modified was OK with the BB loads.  However the improved cylinder just spread it out to far.  Might be OK for gray fox but IC would be more for home protection.

If I was going to use the 20 gauge for all kinds of predator hunting I would use the Full Choke tube. If your gun is a side by side best to have the Full and the Modified or maybe even get another Full choke tube and make your side by side Full Full.

uncle buck

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Re: Coyote shotgun Reload data
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2010, 11:59:14 PM »
I have been playing around with both 20 and 12 gauge loads...Ballistic products has a pamphlet on buckshot too...However what I like about the Coyote data it was tested in a lab and formulated to hit Willey real hard...I have been playing around with #4 Buckshot,  T, BB, and B...See kind of hard to even find "B" factory ammo on the shelf.. Only thing I found was # 1 shot tungsten Kent ammo...B would be excellent for all predators.

Also as you know you can't even get # 4 buckshot in 20 gauge factory on the shelf...
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 11:59:37 PM by uncle buck »

uncle buck

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Re: Coyote shotgun Reload data
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2010, 01:01:06 PM »
My outdoor activities have been a bit limited in the past 6 weeks... I have truly enjoyed shotgun reloading to take care of the cabin fever..
Something how you learn so much stuff by just viewing data on reloads... Buffers, wads, and wads without slits, and wads with slits and Teflon wrap,  wads without shot cups, all kinds of powders...Nickel Plated Shot,  Magnum Shot, Chilled Shot, etc
Coyote Loads,  Fox Loads, and loads for grouse, and woodcock, and rabbits...Spreaders to be specific...Things that you can make that you could never buy on the shelf...
12 gauge is so nice to work with..once you go to the smaller gauges of course means less space to work with.  This makes you have to adjust the press so the crimp works correctly on certain brands of shotgun hulls.. wow I bet 410 reloading has to be tough to do? Less space to place a wad, and shot and make it crimp correctly..
Working with the bigger shot... B, BB, T, # 4 Buckshot of course a lot of the shot has to be placed into the wads by hand.. However this is not big deal.  Just say it might take you 15 minutes to do 5 # 4 buckshot reloads..Ah 15 minutes...That's not to bad. 
What I really want to get my point across here is just don't go and buy duck and pheasant type promotional loads for predator hunting.. Buy at least quality turkey loads,  and name brand buckshot if your going to hunt predators.. many times you think your a bad shot and it could be the promotional type factory rounds that while they will harvest predators they just are made up with cheap components...Hence the  reason they are cheaper.