Saturday, September 25, 2010 Cresson Sportsmen Club
Todd Woodall and Jeff Thomason...Coyote call'n (2 slots-morning/afternoon)
Here's these guys in action.... in africa McKendree (aka TFC2223)...Bobcat call'n
Top notch Bobcat, Coyote & Fox man
Pete Hauer...Red Fox call'n
one of the best Red Fox men in the country
Hern Blett...Grey Fox & Raccoon call'n,
plus tips on playing the weather, time management on the predator line, how to rack up large numbers of furbearers
Matt Lavello PGC Wildlife Biologist....New Bobcat season, law changes and updates, plus a Q. & A. session.
Mike Wolfe (aka catmando), renown chainsaw artist will be carve'n and sell'n his art. Stop by his booth and watch an artist at work.